Mineral facies changes and secondary changes in ferro-manganese nodules 铁锰结核的矿物相变和其它次生变化
Using such means as chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction pattern, polarizing microscopy and scanning electronic microscopy, this paper has discussed the features and formation processes of secondary calcites in calcium nodules within ustic vertisols in Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan Province. 利用化学分析、X射线衍射、偏光显微镜和扫描电子显微镜等探讨云南省元谋盆地干润变性土钙质结核中的次生方解石的特征和形成过程。
The secondary tumour are ashen hard pearl nodules of different sizes distributed widely in pancreas, glandular stomach, muscular stomach, intestines and mesentery. 继发性肿瘤广泛分布于胰腺、腺胃、肌胃、各段肠管的肠系膜及肠系膜附着部,颜色灰白,质地坚硬,呈大小不一的珍珠样小结节。
Conclusions CT findings of secondary PL lack features: the most common findings are the nodules or consolidation of outline of bronchi in lung with lymphadenopathy, and lung interstitial change. Most of the cases have air bronchogram. 结论肺内淋巴瘤CT表现缺乏特征性,常见合并淋巴结肿大的肺内结节,或沿血管支气管走行的实变影或肺间质变,其中可见支气管气像。
Can be tan, brown, blue, pink or black, normal skin texture disappear, the edge can be indented, lesions can show local uplift, occur secondary ulcer 、 bleeding or pain, satellite nodules can appear terminally. 可为棕黄色、棕色、蓝色、桃红色、黑色,正常皮肤纹理消失,边缘可呈锯齿状,病变可呈局部隆起,继发溃疡,渗出出血,疼痛,晚期可出现卫星结节。